Monday, 19 January 2015

Amazing facts about the major contenders of the 2015 presidential election

As the clock ticks to what I tagged the most anticipating Presidential Election in the history of our Great nation Nigeria, Here are some amazing facts to the major contender for the Feb 14 election;

Amazing facts about GEJ

  1.  Prior to his tenure as the President of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan served as the sixth Governor of Bayelsa state, Nigeria in the year 2005
  2. Goodluck Jonathan was born to a family of canoe makers in the land which is today known as Bayelsa state of Nigeria.
  3. Goodluck Jonathan holds a second class honors in Zoology, an MSc degree in Hydrobiology and a PhD in Zoology.
  4. He entered politics in the year 1998, prior to which he worked as an education officer, lecturer and an environmental protection officer. 
  5. He was sworn in as the vice-president of Nigeria in the year 2010, upon the death of Umaru Yar'adua's death, which made him the 14th head of republic Nigeria.
  6. In the year 2010, he was the first Nigerian President to open his facebook page in an attempt to fulfill his promise to have interaction with the common public, so that he his able to attend to their regular needs and dispute.
  7. He was one of the first President of Nigeria who did not have backgrounds of Politics or Military, he was also the first president from southern Nigeria.
  8. He was the first president of Nigeria who had approved of the freedom of information Act, which allowed the citizens of Nigeria to have full information on the Government workings and orders
  9. He successfully revived the comatose railways after 20 years 
  10. In is tenure, he passed a bill which will ensure the entry of imported goods within 48 hours
To be continued with facts about Buhari........

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